We visit your garden and have a chat about out what it is that you would like to do with your garden and how we can help. It is very helpful if both partners can be present at this meeting (if you are a part of a couple), as this can help to prevent confusion later on.
Depending on the complexity of the redesign, we may ask you to fill out a questionnaire, which will help us to formulate your client brief. It is important to take the time to do this stage correctly, and in as much detail as possible, as it will serve as the foundation for your redesign. It is important to note that there is no ‘right’ answer! Everyone’s tastes and needs are different and that is why we are here to help find the right design solution for you. If you don’t know any of the answers, that is OK too. We are here to guide you through the process and make some suggestions, where needed, along the way.
This stage usually takes about an hour, but can take a little longer, if the project is large/complicated.
Following the consultation meeting, we formulate a Client Brief that outlines, In some detail, what it is that you would like to have done with your garden. The Proposal will also outline our charges for these Services and provide you with a Payment Schedule, so that you will know what is due and when it is due throughout the design process. It is important that you take note of these payment stages, as any delay to payments could result in significant delays to completion of your garden.
We will send you a copy of our Terms of Engagement at this stage, as well. It is important that you read the Proposal and Terms of Engagement together, as they are essentially two parts of the same document. We will also send you a copy of the Construct (Design and Management) Regulations (CDM, 2015) for Clients. This is a set of health and safety regulations that apply to every construction project in Great Britain. As (Lead) Designer, we are required, by law, to ensure that you have been appraised of your Client Responsibilities, as part of the Design and Build Process.
We are fully aware that most people feel somewhat at sea when it comes to the designing their gardens and what that process entails, so please get in touch with any questions that you might have about the Proposal.
Site Analysis
+ Topographical Survey
Once you have returned the signed Proposal and paid the first instalment, we will then arrange to visit your garden to conduct the Site Analysis and Topographical Survey.
This stage is when we measure your garden and make a note of any significant elements that might affect your design, such as aspect, soil type, rain shadows, frost pockets, noise levels, privacy and so on.
Please not that if your garden is large, or complicated in terms of level changes, then we will ask you to get a professional topographical surveyor to do the survey. You would be responsible for organising this and paying for it, but we can point you in the right direction in terms of recommendations, if you would like us to. We will let you know if you need a professional topographical survey, or if we can complete your survey ourselves, during the Site Consultation and this will also be made clear in the Proposal under our Scope of Works.
At this stage, we develop a Concept Drawing of your new garden, as well as a mood board that will highlight a number of different key design elements, for example: different styles of pergolas/fire bowls/paving and fencing options.
We will also provide you with a few sketches to help you visualise what your new garden will look like.
The Concept Drawing, mood board and sketches will be presented to you in a client meeting. This can be done either in person, or virtually, depending on whichever is more convenient for you.
Once again, we ask that all parties concerned with the redesign be present at this meeting.
This is the stage at which any changes (within reason!) can be made fairly easily, so do take time to look over the drawings and make a note of any concerns you might have before we go ahead with the next phase.
Following the presentation of the Concept Drawing, we will now go ahead and incorporate any necessary amendments into a final Presentation Plan that is a scaled drawing of your new garden.
We will also put together a Construction Pack for you to show to potential landscapers. The Construction Pack will contain a Laying Out Drawing which will highlight all the dimensions of your new garden design, as well any relevant construction drawings and construction specification sheets of any hard landscaping elements included in the design, such as the type of fencing, or stone.
We will conduct a client meeting to talk you through the Presentation Drawing and Construction Pack. Please note that any changes at this stage will incur an hourly fee, as per our Terms of Engagement.
At this stage, it is time to find a landscaper who can build your new garden for you. We recommend that you contact at least three local landscapers and show them your Presentation Plan and give them a Construction Pack, to ensure that you get at least three like-for-like quotes.
If you would prefer, we can handle this stage for you for a fee. If you would like us to do that, then please let us know so that we can build it in to your Proposal.
Your landscaper builds your garden following our design. We usually leave you to oversee this process, but if you would prefer, we can make regular site consultations to monitor on any issues that might arise, or any necessary changes to the design. We can also monitor the progress of the build and keep you updated with the progress if you would like us to.
We would charge a fee for this service, so once again, please let us know if you would like us to make site visits during the building phase, so that we can include it in your Proposal.
Once the build is nearing completion, it is time to start thinking about plants. We will start by formulating a mood board with some of our plant recommendations for your garden based on your preferred colour scheme/planting theme. All the plants we suggest will be based on the premise of ‘right plant; right place’, meaning that any plant we recommend will be appropriate for your garden in terms of soil type, pH, moisture, and aspect.
If you are happy with the plants we have suggested, then we will formulate your Planting Plan for you. This will be a scaled plan with the position of each new plant/groupings of plants shown. You will also receive a Plant Schedule that can be sent to nurseries for them to quote to supply your plants. The plant schedule will show the full name of the plant, including the recommended variety, where relevant, the size of the plant required, and the quantity needed.
We will conduct a client meeting to talk you through the Planting Plan and Plant Schedule. Please note that any major changes at this stage will incur an hourly fee, as per our Terms of Engagement.
At this stage, we develop a Concept Drawing of your new garden, as well as a mood board that will highlight a number of different key design elements, for example: different styles of pergolas/fire bowls/paving and fencing options.
We will also provide you with a few sketches to help you visualise what your new garden will look like.
The Concept Drawing, mood board and sketches will be presented to you in a client meeting. This can be done either in person, or virtually, depending on whichever is more convenient for you.
Once again, we ask that all parties concerned with the redesign be present at this meeting.
This is the stage at which any changes (within reason!) can be made fairly easily, so do take time to look over the drawings and make a note of any concerns you might have before we go ahead with the next phase.
Once again, you are free to make your own planting arrangements, or we can plant up your garden for you. If you would like us to do the planting for you, then once delivery of your plants has been arranged, we will try to come and plant your garden as close to that date as we can to ensure that you aren’t having to look after the plants for too long.
The Planting Team at Karima’s Gardens are all holders of a minimum of RHS Level 2 Horticulture Qualifications and will make sure that your plants are all planted and watered in following RHS guidelines and best practices.
As soon as we have finished planting, we will mulch your beds, remove all of the planting-related waste for it to be disposed of responsibly and leave your garden neat and tidy for you to enjoy!
We charge for this service on a per person per day rate, so if you are interested in our planting service, please let us know so that we can build this into our Proposal for you.