Transforming A Mature

One Hit Wonder

This garden has a lot of roses and quite overgrown shrubs which had shaded out the underplanting. As a result, the garden had lost its layering

The Brief

The clients of this much loved and mature back garden approached Karima’s Gardens about restoring it to its former glory, while updating the planting somewhat.

The Design

The garden had quite a short season of interest, as it relied so heavily on the roses for any colour. Designing a new planting scheme for this garden was quite challenging, as one bed offered very dry shade, while the other, less generous bed offered a narrow strip of very dry soil in full sun.

How to connect the two sides to give the garden a coherent and unified feel, while including plants that would thrive on both sides of the garden?

I decided to include some plants with very large leaves on both sides of the garden to act as focal points.  I also decided to stick with a predominantly pink palette (all of the roses are pink), contrasting it with accents of orange and burgundy for contrast.

I have planted a large quantity of bulbs to both prolong the season of interest in the garden and to connect the two sides of the garden a little more.

